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Fall/Winter Edition

By Lauren Rinehart

8th Grade


     SGA, also known as Beck’s Student Government, is a group of dedicated and hard-working individuals who work to organize a variety of school events, including food drives, fundraisers, and dances. Ran by Ms. Santos, the 8th Grade Guidance Counselor, and Ms. Malkinski, the SAC counselor, SGA strives to represent all of the students in the school.

     Student Government had its elections on October 11th. Each homeroom elected a student to be a part of SGA. The homeroom representatives are required to go to meetings and relay the information discussed back to their Morning RAP. Members also receive SGA T-shirts, volunteer at school events, and help plan fundraisers & Spirit Week.

     SGA worked to plan and distribute Boo-Grams, which was the first Student Government fundraiser of the year. For $2.00 each, students were able to purchase a bag full of candy for their peers or staff members. They were distributed at the end of the day on Halloween. 

     From November 6th to the 8th, SGA members elected representatives for the leadership council. Two leaders per grade level were chosen to have a larger role in Student Government. The candidates for 6th grade were Avery Hibbs, Levi Aaronson, Blake Belkin, Jamie Hoskins, Jacob Brill, Jocelyn Womack, Ava Sterling, & Sofia Miscioscia. In 7th grade, the candidates were Ava Chhabria, Kyle Mogell, & Harry Levine. Lastly, the 8th-grade candidates included Charlotte Silcox, Jackson Hibbs, Lauren Rinehart, Sadie Belkin, Lindsey Wei, Jolie Giles, & Emma Weiss.

     Candidates used Google Classroom as a platform for campaigning. Several of the members typed out reasons that other SGA members should appoint them to this position. For example, 6th-grader Jamie Hoskins pledged that, upon his election, he “will always listen to [everyone’s] ideas and concerns and bring them to the attention of our teachers and administration.” Additionally, many came up with slogans, such as “Vote For Blake, For Goodness Sake,” “Vote Levi, He’ll Make You Smile,” or “Vote For Sadie, She’s Your Lady.” In the end, it was a tight race, but the results eventually came down to this:

- The 6th-grade leaders that were elected were Blake Belkin, Sofia Miscioscia, & Jamie Hoskins.

- The 7th-grade leaders that were elected were Ava Chhabria & Harry Levine.

- The 8th-grade leaders that were elected were Sadie Belkin & Charlotte Silcox.

     In addition to elections, SGA ran a Thanksgiving Food Drive. Students and staff were encouraged to bring in canned goods, snacks, and other non-perishable items that would then be donated to families in need. SGA members picked up items at the Advisories on November 20th. The homeroom with the highest percentage of items donated won a Donut Party.

     Student Government is planning several events in the upcoming couple of months, so stay tuned for information regarding dances, Spirit Week, and fundraisers!

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