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By Estee Rosenbaum and Ella Hahn

Chorus performed in the Winter Concert. To recap the series of songs, Mr. Kain says some of his favorite songs are Accentuate the Positive from the 6th-grade chorus. He says the song is “A jazzy song that I have always enjoyed.” For the 7th and 8th-grade chorus, the members sang Sway, “which has a cool Latin vibe, and they sang part of it in Spanish, so hopefully the audience understands the singers.” 

 These are only a few of the collections of songs Chorus prepared! At the Winter Concert, a guest group from Cherry Hill East High School joined Chorus for the performance. 

Joining Chorus is a great opportunity. To know more about the program, lessons are around fifty minutes or equivalent to one class period. Chorus takes place during advisory as well. Although, due to the few  minutes available, Mr. Kain says, “We are lucky if we can run through two or three songs.” 

These practices are dispersed to different groups. The different groups for Chorus are the 6th-grade Chorus, the 7th & 8th-grade Concert Choir, the girls group Hot Harmony, the Bobcat Singers, and if possible, B.O.B. With several practices, Chorus is ready to perform once again at the upcoming concert, taking place on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.



By Estee Rosenbaum and Ella Hahn


Orchestra performed at the Orchestra and Jazz Band Winter Concert! There were many songs played, each unique and complex. Fable by Larry Clark is a personal favorite song of Ms. Mandescu. If playing new songs on an orchestra-based instrument strikes interest in you, you can join the Orchestra simply through an online form. The form can be filled out after the concert. Also, you can contact the teachers.

 If there is hesitation in joining what is best for you, there are lessons for beginners and advanced classes for orchestra and band. In Orchestra, there are both lessons during the school day and rehearsals during advisory. The lessons are forty minutes long. Meanwhile, in an advisory rehearsal, you can practice three to four songs! Orchestra held their recital on January 18 at 7:30 in the evening in the cafeteria, says Ms Mandescu.



By George Verona


Almost all of Beck’s various Bands had a performance in the Winter Concert in December. Run by Mr. Marr, the Musical groups include the 6th Grade Band, the 7th and 8th Grade Band, the Homeroom Band, and the Jazz band. Each member has lessons on a corresponding day of the week, either during their World Language class, or Exploratory, depending on if it is an “A” day or a “B” day. Starting with the 6th Grade Band, it (of course) contains 6th graders who choose to play an instrument. The 6th grade band is a great starting ground, for both those who played in Elementary school, and those looking for a start in music. The 7th and 8th Grade Band, not only houses the expected 7th and 8th graders, but also very talented 6th graders. The Band focuses on songs that provide a challenge for the grade level, boasting challenging marches and remarkable fanfares. Next, the Homeroom Band is a unique band full of the most talented students. Every morning, the Homeroom Band meets and plays a wide variety of the most challenging songs. They don’t get an ordinary homeroom, instead students across 7th and 8th grade of all different teams meet in Room 35. Only the skilled get to perform in this band. “The Band Homeroom was created by Mr. Rabic (who was the Band teacher at Beck before me).  Mr. Rabic taught here for 40 years and he and I have been the only Band Directors at Beck since it opened. ” says Mr. Marr. Because they play every day, each member of the Homeroom band is also part of the 7th and 8th Grade Band, and the 6th Grade Band. The Homeroom Band members act as mentors for the 6th Grade Band, helping them reach new heights in their musical career. Lastly, the Jazz Band is an after school club that meets every tuesday. This Band is full of skilled musicians who specialize in Jazz Instruments, such as trumpets, saxophones, and the piano. “The main music groups (the Band, Chorus, and Orchestra) can be joined at any time throughout the year by filling out a google form,” Mr. Marr adds.  “Students who would like to join can get to the form by visiting Becks webpage or by contacting any of the Music teachers at Beck.  We accept everyone in the Music Program at Beck even if they’ve never sang or played an instrument before.” The Beck Band makes sure to give everyone who wants to join a warm welcome. “Whether you are an experienced musician who practices every day for hours, or a new student who’s never picked up an instrument before; there is a place for you in our music program at Beck Middle School.”

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