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By Charlotte Silcox

8th Grade


Peer Leadership has opened a new program for the special education class. This program allows students and peer leaders to buddy with someone and do activities with them after school, and make life-long friendships with those who friendships might not come easily to. Students will be educated on non-verbal communication and understanding how to interact with someone who may be different. This is a great opportunity for students who want to make friends and reach out, even if they have no prior experience. 

Many students struggle to make friends or connect with someone in school. They may miss out on many of the experiences that you are familiar with, like parties, dances, or social events. Joining the program and connecting with someone is an amazing way to make a good friend and give them those experiences.

If you’d like to participate in the program and make someone's day, you can contact Ms. Metzger about it at the appropriate time. You can reach her at or find her contact information on the Beck website.

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